Traffic crawling at the speed of an aging malt the odour of exhaust fumes and hops mingle in the frosty air. down Palmerston Place the early morning sun casts elongated shadows. Scaffolding raised high against St Marys cathedral restoring stonework high above the shadows the closest these men will get to heaven. Strengthening the walls but the foundation is crumbling no mason can save her fall. Walking onward I observe the daily commute. I am no part of it an outsider viewing their world as God views mine. They move in haste the business suit,student,shop-worker and another outsider a homeless beggar with a paper cup held out like a prayer to God upturned palms,downcast eyes hopefull and yet hopeless genuine or fraud it matters not the crowd have seen it before every day untill invisibility wrapped itself around the down-trodden hiding him from view. Onward they go boarding the bus minds full of important things like which tune to pl...