
Showing posts from November, 2011


to plumb the depths of tormented mind we seek to find the reasons why. in darkened tombs the vile repository of hidden vice lies dormant in the winter of fervent prayer. we shake the petals from the flowers of wrath in righteous anger at the shadowy thoughts that creep unheard through the recesses of our tortured minds. and sit and ponder the meaning the meaning of deceptive empty words.


I call out to you in the quiet of night between heartbeats and breathes my mind runs wild in circles without end an endless loop no-one sees what I see feels what I feel from hope to hopeless in less words than this. I have seen the world in the palm of your hand and yet we fall and drown in the putrid stench of worldliness suffocating in the void longing for freedom and liberty running the gauntlet of superficiality never saying what we mean. the wasted chances that pass by we watch them wave to us as we wish beyond wish that we'd taken them never again we say yet the circle completes itself one last time.


Traffic crawling at the speed of an aging malt the odour of exhaust fumes and hops mingle in the frosty air. down Palmerston Place the early morning sun casts elongated shadows. Scaffolding raised high against St Marys cathedral restoring stonework high above the shadows the closest these men will get to heaven. Strengthening the walls but the foundation is crumbling no mason can save her fall. Walking onward I observe the daily commute. I am no part of it an outsider viewing their world as God views mine. They move in haste the business suit,student,shop-worker and another outsider a homeless beggar with a paper cup held out like a prayer to God upturned palms,downcast eyes hopefull and yet hopeless genuine or fraud it matters not the crowd have seen it before every day untill invisibility wrapped itself around the down-trodden hiding him from view. Onward they go boarding the bus minds full of important things like which tune to pl...

Bitter Sweet

if i count the days my heart will fail to keep the pace with sorrows smile whilst all the while we embrace in citrus memories too bitter to repair and yet we favour the sweet nostalgia that seeps through the gaps in our broken hearts.


we bought the world with tears and pain and left footprints dissolving in the aftermath while we danced and sang those final notes the dirge of farewell.

Dusty poetry.

Tears fall on empty paper no words to smudge no ink to run. In her mind she writes the words safe and secure, no fear of discovery no fear of betrayal. Alone she counts the words a tear for every syllable untill the well runs dry and her words she borrows from dusty poetry books.

#senryu 14

Surrounded by noise he shuts down his senses retreats into silence